Thursday, September 4, 2008


From Good Old Advice by Dr. Alistar Cockburn:

One Process Will Not Fit All

People in our field search continually for the one, true process which, if we could only find it, would serve as the base for every project and also as master training material for newcomers to the field.

In [21], I investigated this question directly. I discovered that processes must change as technologies change, and also change to fit varied types of projects. How many types of projects are there? Capers Jones estimated there to be at least 37,400 different categories of projects [7]. No wonder no single methodology or process will fit them all. Do not believe in any single process or methodology because each works only in a particular and limited context.

[7] Jones, Capers. Software Assessments, Benchmarks and Best Practices. Addison-Wesley, 2000.
[21] Cockburn, A. "People and Methodologies in Software Development." Diss. University of Oslo, 2003 .

37,400 different project types!! Yeah, no one wonder one size fits all solutions don't work!

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